Notes from United Flight 948

After spending the last two odd weeks packing, moving, re-packing our remaining belongings, road tripping, repacking the last time, we're finally down to backpacks: Two large, two small. Stuff.  Man.  It can really hold you back.  A feeling of liberation has set in.  I will enjoy this vacation for a lot of reasons, but one thing I didn't anticipate is how good it feels to have a break from stuff.

It's morning.  Land is below us.  What an easy flight.  Direct is the way to fly.  One must travel this way if one has the opportunity.  The captain has just announced we'll be landing in 10 minutes, which of course prompted many to queue up for the toilet.  Ah well.  I think I can make it.

All went well.  Slept a few hours.  While packing up the house a couple weeks ago (feels like it's been months) I came across a few of those little eye masks with the elastic bands.  They definitely came in handy.  Though I didn't foresee needing the 3 masks I had found, I packed them all.  And I'm glad I did, since the woman sitting in seat 33J nabbed Jared's from behind.  I swear!  I saw her do it.  Her sneaky little hand appeared for just a split second in front of the oval window behind Jared's head.  I almost missed it.  In fact I thought nothing of it at the time, but remembered it happening when he couldn't find his mask as we were preparing for a little nap.  We searched the area, and when I looked behind at her and she wouldn't make eye contact with me.  Sure enough, she put it to good use when the lights went out.  Cheeky.  But we had three so it doesn't matter.

It's beginning to feel real now, especially as the landscape reveals itself below us.  I'm starting to realize the gravity of the situation.  We have 7 weeks ahead of us here.  Traveling is my favorite pass time, and Jared is my favorite person.  This is good.

Immediate goals upon touchdown: procure "Oyster Cards," score some British Pounds, and locate the tube to get to Joe and Rumi's flat.  

Our good friends from Japan days, Joe and Rumi are our generous first hosts.  Joe, actually, was the first to welcome us to Tokyo during our JET orientation three years ago.  It's fitting that he'll be introducing us to another world class city.

"I've got it all sorted, mate"

I have no doubt we'll be well taken care of.

- Steph

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