i'm sorry.

i'm sorry, but i think we (america) owe england an apology. don't get me wrong -- i love the idea of a revolution. love it. who doesn't? but it seems to me that our radical experiment in democracy and freedom for all has gone awry (read: financial crisis, world's highest divorce rates, world ranking #27 (below Slovenia, Brunei) in infant mortality). it's time we face the facts: england is cooler than america.

for starters, england is cleaner...more debonair; it's architecture older and more majestic; outlets are higher voltage; beers are bigger; accents are cooler. apples? more delicious. health care? Admittedly not perfect, but even I can go to the doctor here and be treated.

longitude started here: L-O-N-G itude. they've got this graffiti artist named banksy who doesn't tell anyone his name; a gold statue of kate moss doing yoga; they've got cool names for their cities like "Stoke-on-tent" and "Maidenhead". New York Shmew York.

they use words like 'hoover' (vacuum), 'gutted' (sad; dejected) and 'offy' (corner liquor store); eat toothsome treats called eccles cakes (snickers? not here, mate); stand in longer queues (lines); read better books; pay higher prices; their government argues on TV.

and all this in a country smaller than oregon. incredible.

don't get me wrong here: i don't hate america. i just think we need to get off our high international horse and bow down to england. I mean, they don't call it great britain for nothing.

bring back the stamp tax,


Stand and Deliver said...

Ummm...Have you tried to eat there? If it wasn't for the Indians, there wouldn't be a digestable meal in the whole country.

I concede the point on vocabulary, however. Bullocks!


Justin Shaddix said...

Ack! I'm returning to America soon!

SHIT! Maybe I should hit up England? Hmmm....

Micha Hanson said...

"patriotism does not require one to agree with everything that his country does and would actually promote analytical questioning in a quest to make the country the best it possibly can be."

- Socrates

Jared, it is to easy to sit on the sidelines and complain, that is to easy way out. If you think the country needs a new direction, start small and get involved in local politics, or get involved in a governmental program.